Daily Sagittarius Horoscope April 20 (20/04)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

April 20


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Wanting more mental stimulation in your world is understandable but this neednt be a struggle or chore if the daily grind that dictates taking obligations and responsibilities seriously means you have to work under a heavy cloud of seriousness. Its possible to encourage or to instigate a more cheerful, positive way of tackling whats tedious. Do so and others will follow your lead.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

You can probably sense that, if you only you were able to give as much time and effort as you are to whats less than inspiring to what truly inspires you, then youd be in a very different situation where progressing a certain plan close to your heart is concerned. However, your sense of integrity is steering you toward where your loyalties lie. A sense of accomplishment will override any feelings of resentment or regret.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

This week, it might become clear how more reassured and confident youd feel if you werent so detached from an uncertain situation. A decision or action required to move something forward in a way that suits you appears to be out of your hands. Are you supposed to bide your time and let whats unfolding do so through being steered by someone else? Actually, thats not just a good idea, its a great idea. This week, be an observer and trust your best interests are being taken care of.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

Are you a small cog in a big machine? Given that there are over seven billion of us on the spinning rock we inhabit, we can all feel insignificant if we choose to focus on feeling such a way. Yet, we know were all unique in our own ways and its your uniqueness that can play a helpful if not integral part in a master plan. You might have been overlooking the unique contribution you can make in a particular area. This hasnt helped certain others to recognize it, either. This month, you find a way to stand out from the crowd in a way that brings recognition and respect.


health sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

You are always happy to drop the old and start anew, but sometimes it\s worth it just to stick to the routine. Do you have a health routine? This is an important discipline for you to adhere to, because of your natural tendency to dream about the future and forget about the present. In the present, you must pay attention to the adequate ministering of healthy food and plenty of water. Unless you still live with your Mom, your health is up to you!


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Unfortunately for some of us, black tea and coffee consumption is known to weaken our vision. To help strengthen your eyes at this time, take tea brewed with the herb known as \"eyebright.\" Beta carotene is found in foods such as carrots, apricots and cantaloupe - the liver converts this pigment into Vitamin A, which is very helpful for night vision. Take care of your eyes, and create your vision of the future with enhanced precision.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Keep a balance between work and play. It\s important, especially when you\re tempted to work too hard and you forget to relax. Schedule downtime into your calendar and stick with it. It will have a positive effect on your body and energy level. Resist the tendency to work when you\re supposed to be resting. Find the way of least effort for more energy!


health sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

You could find yourself of two minds this month, with one part of you eager to upgrade your health status and another very happy to stay inside your comfort zone. You\ll need to decide what you want to accomplish. If you have a lot going on, it might be best to lower your expectations so you can work with a more manageable routine. Mars zips through your lifestyle sector, so your energy could be fairly buoyant so long as you maintain some discipline. But the wrong foods could prove tempting, so you\ll have to be vigilant and fairly strict with yourself.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Changes in relationships can often come about because two people naturally realize that they have reached a certain plateau, and need to do things differently to keep the partnership from degenerating into a mindless routine. The movement of the planets encourages you to take a look at how you are coping. This really is a very positive day to discuss tricky issues, as they will be successfully resolved.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s movement of the heavenly bodies could mean that you become repentant when you realize you have lashed out about a rumor that seemed to imply you had been involved with someone rather risqu. It would be better if you could check out the source of the information before you get mad at the wrong person. Speaking directly to the right person would be a better option.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

What\s top priority in your life right now? Work? Finances? If your love life is getting pushed to the side, there\s probably a very good reason for it. Wait until you get your house in order before trying to date anyone seriously. There\s no harm in having a little fun, especially on weekends, but make it clear that you aren\t looking for anything long term. Misunderstandings are hard to clear up.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

Relationship issues you thought you\d finally laid to rest could return as Saturn turns retrograde on April 6. There\s really no avoiding it this time. Own up to past mistakes so you can finally get past them. The Sun/Uranus conjunction on April 14 raises your level of integrity higher than usual, which is saying a lot for fair-minded Archers. There\s no way you\ll do anyone wrong midmonth, so your romantic reputation should be stellar. If not, do some damage control. Venus backs into Aries on April 26, and you may resort to schoolyard tactics. If you tease someone, it generally means you like them!


career sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

People are going to be taking things much more seriously, so be careful of whom you are joking with. Your sense of humor is likely to be misinterpreted in a negative way. Stick to the straight and narrow and try your best to do things by the book.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

As the day goes on you will feel more and more like yourself, and this will help you accomplish any task you need to undertake. Having strong self-confidence will help guide you so that you complete every task in exactly the way it needs to be done.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

Confrontations can have an unwelcome outcome. Powerful forces are at work and it\s best to be cautious and diplomatic. You\re always at your best working with others, and this period is no exception. This time can see you becoming especially competitive. This is particularly so if you want to prove that you can do a better job than a co-worker. Be sure not to ignore an important opportunity because it isn\t exactly what you\d hoped it would be.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

On April 10, you\ll finally be able to walk away from a troubled collaboration. Trying to create something of value on a shoestring budget has been frustrating. If anyone angrily demands why the results are so shoddy, be honest. This is one of those situations where you get what you pay for. The New Moon on April 26 marks the beginning of a much better assignment. Not only will there be ample resources available but you\ll also derive a lot of creative fulfillment from this job. It might be necessary to work from home at times when you need peace and quiet.



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